IZI Patents is the first and only IP firm in the Netherlands offering fixed prices for all its IP services. This makes budgeting easy (IZI) and avoids unpleasant surprises. Next, IZI patents’ motto is “Making Money from Molecules”. In other words: IP should serve the business.
In accordance with our motto, IZI Patents provides its clients with a wide range of IP-services, but not before understanding the client’s business. IZI Patents believes that sensible IP Strategy can only be made from a business point of view. A proposed IP strategy contains a sincere advice, which may also include an advice not to protect certain IP.
IZI Patents may assist in competitive environment analyses by conducting searches on, e.g. novelty, applicant name, status, patent family, third party rights and infringement. In addition, IZI Patents offers portfolio management, including filing and prosecution of patent applications in more than 150 countries all over the world. IZI Patents further provides strategic advice regarding development of intellectual property and portfolio management.
Finally, IZI Patents provides their clients with legal advice on any co-operation with other parties and ensures that solid agreements with such parties are made, concerning e.g. secrecy, joint development, co-operation, technology transfer, exploitation and licensing. IZI Patents will take care of your legal position from the very first moment you did an invention and want to initiate co-operation with others, as well as during commercialization wherein your invention will result in profitable products or processes.
Meet our team

Johan Tiesnitsch

Marty Wulferink